Talk / Sermon for the 3rd Sunday after Trinity – 28th June 2020 – VIDEO & TEXT

The Lord's Prayer (Le Pater Noster), by James Tissot. Brooklyn Museum -'s_Prayer_(Le_Pater_Noster)_-_James_Tissot.jpg

(Matthew 10:40-42) Dear brothers and sisters, I invite you to look around you and be honest with yourself. It is easy to welcome somebody with open heart without asking ourselves about the intention of the […]

What then will this child become? – Mid-week Reflection – TEXT & VIDEO

Nativity of Saint John the Baptist, by Pontormo, created 1526.,_nativit%C3%A0_del_battista_01.jpg

(Luke 1:57-66; 80) [24 June 2020] The basis for this mid-week reflection is the fragment taken from the Gospel according to Luke, chapter one, verses 57 to 66 and verse 80. But, for a better […]

E naţionalism scârbos, dar îmi place

Demonstrație pro-BREXIT, august 2019, Londra

Săptămâna trecută, un proprietar al unui site, căruia îi ofer servicii de webmaster, mi-a trimis un material pe care să-l fac în aşa fel încât să-i poată posta conţinutul pe site. Materialul era un pps, […]

Our acts and doings have consequences in our life and in the others lives. Job and his story

Job by Léon Bonnat (1880) -

I invite all of you to reflect together on the story of Job, a man who was tested by God but remained faithful to him. He humbled himself under the hand of God, and accommodated […]

Giving as alms and responsible debt. A meditation for a week. VIDEO & TEXT

Photo: Woman giving alms by János Thorma 1870 – 1937. Virág Judit GalériaInfoPic, Public Domain,

(Matthew 6:1-6; 16-18) It is very interesting to note how much emphasis Jesus places on the social context when he teaches his disciples. No matter how personal the actions, thoughts, attitudes may be, Jesus does […]