Special messages, big words, smiling faces flooded with goodwill and empathy – that’s what we can see on TV channels and hear on the radio. But do you know that the sunset is often more […]
Cornelia & Bernard Noghiu's Blog
Special messages, big words, smiling faces flooded with goodwill and empathy – that’s what we can see on TV channels and hear on the radio. But do you know that the sunset is often more […]
Mid-week Reflection – (Matthew 18:19-20) [12th August 2020] We are in the week in which the festival of the Blessed Virgin Mary appears on the calendar of the Church of England, for the 15th of […]
(Luke 1:57-66; 80) [24 June 2020] The basis for this mid-week reflection is the fragment taken from the Gospel according to Luke, chapter one, verses 57 to 66 and verse 80. But, for a better […]
When we speak about the Church’s involvement in politics, the spirits are very hot on both sides: on the part of those who want the Church involved in politics and on the part of those […]
(John 20:19-31) Christ is risen! Alleluia! Alleluia! In the Gospel appointed for today (John 20:19-31), we can read the story of the two meetings of Jesus with his disciples, after the resurrection. Did you notice […]