After I moved to the city where I live now, it didn’t take long to notice that one of the streets I cross on my way to work has a special characteristic. Initially I said […]
Cornelia & Bernard Noghiu's Blog
After I moved to the city where I live now, it didn’t take long to notice that one of the streets I cross on my way to work has a special characteristic. Initially I said […]
She will curse me again, I said to myself when I saw her on the same alley that I had to cross. Usually when I see her, I try to avoid her and not pass […]
It’s easier to talk. It’s not like that? But I don’t talk to anyone but myself. The time spent to say something is much shorter and I don’t feel the need to go back over […]
E mai ușor să vorbesc. Nu e așa? Dar nu vorbesc cu nimeni altul decât cu mine. Timpul petrecut pentru a spune ceva e mult mai scurt și nu simt nevoia să revin asupra a […]
In the region where I was born, two languages were commonly spoken. If I translate the name my mother used for the flower I chose for today, then it is the Lady’s Flower. Certainly this […]