Bible Study – Luke. Session 5: The life’s project takes shape (Luke 5-8)

In mid-October, 2020, I planted 5 lemon seeds in the ground, from the lemons that my wife, Cornelia, squeezed to make sweet cheese. Only one sprouted. I took the pot and placed it in the window. A lemon tree began to take shape.

I. A few days before the session, the following text could be sent to the participants in order to better prepare and be active. 1. Luke 5-8 can be divided: a) 5:1-11 – The fishing; […]

Activist or active. The long road between words and reality – VIDEO & TEXT

Feast in the House of Simon the Pharisee by Rubens, c. 1618.

Mid-week Reflection – (Matthew 23:27-32) [26th August 2020] We were a small group. We had decided to support a person who needed care. We made a plan. We presented every amount of money we could […]